
Are Cleanses and Detoxing Good for You?
By: Nicolette Durkin, MS, RD, LDN Feeling fatigued and bloated? Wanting to lose weight quickly? Had a long vacation with too many cocktails and carbs? A detox diet claims to be the perfect reset to...

Mindful Eating and How to Be An Intuitive Eater
By: Nicolette Durkin, MS, RD, LDN Have you ever sat down to eat a meal while simultaneously scrolling through your phone? And before you know it your plate is empty and you may not feel satisfied? ...

Eating Healthy on A Budget
By: Nicolette Durkin, MS, RD, LDN These days it can seem that each trip through the grocery checkout line brings a progressively higher bill. Over the last year general food costs have increased b...

Is A Liquid Diet Healthy?
What is a liquid diet? Let’s discover how to stay fuller for longer and achieve complete nutrition with Soylent’s meal replacement drinks.

How to Use a Shaker Bottle (And Clean It, Too)
Shaker bottles go by many names but they’re all the same at their core. The little metal sphere inside them is what gives these bottles their magic.

Why Time Management is All About Energy
Life is better when you can accomplish your goals without the symptoms of burnout. Take care of your body, get to know yourself, and manage your energy wisely.

When to Drink a Protein Shake
Do I drink it in the morning? Only when I'm working out? How about if I skipped a meal? We're answering all of your protein powder questions and much more.

Food Systems and Sustainability
Environmental Benefits of Plant-Based Diets
If the health benefits of going plant-based aren’t enough to sway you away from some smoky bacon, maybe the environmental benefits are. And this does not mean having to go full vegetarian, but cho...

What to Look for In a Meal Replacement Shake
Sometimes life gets hectic. From meetings to workouts, baby showers, and commuting between it all, balanced meals can slip through the cracks. If you’re starting to move meal time down the list of...